Monday, February 23, 2009
A Great Morning
Norrin woke up at 8:30 I had some time to get a giant cup of coffee into my system. Things started out a lil rough...for the Mommy, not the lil man. I have a hard time getting back into the role of Mommy after three days at work. My body aches like I've been at the gym all weekend, I'm really sleepy and things aren't where they were on Thursday. I'm just very disoriented. Anyway, when Norrin got up, I got him dressed, threw some things in the diaper bag and we were on our way. I needed to stop by the shoe store before his My Gym class. I knew his shoes were a little snug, but I had no idea just how snug until I got to the shoe store and they took out the measuring thingy. Norrin's feet have grown an entire size and a half! My lil munchkin is a size seven! In fact, the shoe store guy told me that I need to come back in two months to have him measured again. Apparently, a baby's feet (or my baby's feet anyway) grow very quickly. I felt like the worst Mom in the world for basically binding my child's feet...well, what can I say?...he's the first pancake :). He sure does look spiffy in his new shoes though. After that, we went to My Gym and Norrin was the perfect child. He shared with the other kids, he chased after a ball that one of the little girls dropped and handed it to her, he didn't hit anyone and he had zero, yes, zero meltdowns. I still had to ask him to show me his hand stamps in order to get his coat on, but even that wasn't a major production. Now he's napping calmly while I get some laundry done (gotta have clean clothes for NY). We're leaving on Wednesday when Todd gets home from work. I purchased a DVD player for the car. I'm not a huge promoter of these things, but its a lot to ask a child to sit still in a car seat for five hours with nothing to do. If it was light outside, Norrin could entertain himself with books, but there's very little to do in the dark. Other than figuring out how the new DVD player works, I'm in charge of getting snacks for the road and packing us up. So, the next two days should be pretty busy. I'm hyper-organized about these trips and make at least two lists of all our necessities. I find its really important to make sure everyone has what they need to be as comfortable as possible. Not easy when you're guessing what a 16 month old needs...other than to run wild and free (not really an option, Norrin). So, keep your fingers crossed for us...we might need it :).
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thursday's Adventures
The finished product!
My reluctant model.
My reluctant model.
Well, I finished my first wool soaker. Norrin was in bed by 9:30 pm and I stayed up until midnight finishing the edges (which required me to learn a little bit of crocheting) and sewing on some buttons. I had Norrin try it on this morning and I need to reposition some of the chunky monkey needs a little more room in the waist...but, all in all, I really like it! Taking up knitting has just been such a great joy. I can work on projects whenever time and Norrin allow and its amazing to see this beautiful, wearable thing come into existence right before my eyes. I'm still pretty slow, but its a lot of fun and I find it very calming :). Anyway, Norrin had to go to his grandparents' house today. I tried to keep him entertained at home as long as possible, but he was starting to become a lump on the couch, so it was time to go. Once we got to Grandmom and Grandpop Milligan's house, he wouldn't nap. Grandmom helped him feed the birds out one of the windows...she throws the seeds onto the roof and Norrin can watch them while standing on the back of one of her couches :). Today Norrin took the whole cup of seed and poured it was pretty funny...he wasn't tolerating just being allowed to throw it out by the handful. Then, Grandmom had to take him downstairs so I could sneak out the front door. I keep thinking there's got to be a better way. I hate sneaking out on him...but he really doesn't take kindly to his parents leaving...even with an extensive explanation and lots of kisses :). I met Todd to have our taxes done. Yes, I married a banker and yes, we pay someone else to do our taxes...and I will be the first to say that its so much better to have someone else do them. No fear of human error (on our part) and Todd and I can just throw our pile of paperwork at her and she gets to figure it all out...completely stress free. Our return wasn't as healthy as we would have liked, but with all the fixing of this and that nothing really seems like enough :). Todd and I did go out to dinner afterwards...twice in one week without Norrin...I can't say I don't feel a little bit guilty, but it certainly has been nice to eat a relaxed meal with my hubby. Right now Todd is picking Norrin up from Grandmom and Grandpop's and I just finished prepping for tomorrow. Three more days of work and then I'm off for 11 days. I wish I could say it will be a relaxing break, but I'm getting in my car again and driving to NY again with a 16 month old...yes, I'm a glutton for punishment. Todd is planning on coming with me, so I won't suffer alone, but its certainly a test of our marriage. At least, Todd and I are looking forward to the coffee and chocolate combo...nothing like driving on major highways while on a serious sugar and caffeine high :). Wish us luck!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The Rest of Our Day
Norrin took a two and a half hour nap...probably because it was a rainy, sleepy day. When he woke up, he watched a lil TV with Bob. Bob is Norrin's doll. I had it made especially for him and while he's not dragging it every place he goes, Norrin likes to compare bellybuttons and he gives him lots of kisses. We named him Bob because that was a word that Norrin used frequently for everyone when he started we knew he wouldn't have a hard time saying it :).
I attempted to take some pics of my knitting projects for my site on Ravelry. The baby blanket is a constant work in progress, but I like that I can leave it for a couple of weeks and then pick it back up whenever I'm in the mood.
I attempted to take some pics of my knitting projects for my site on Ravelry. The baby blanket is a constant work in progress, but I like that I can leave it for a couple of weeks and then pick it back up whenever I'm in the mood.
Norrin likes to practice his break dancing moves in the middle of my squares.
Rock Out With Your Bad Self
Norrin took this bowl out of the cupboards...Mommy provided the "drumstick". And yes, those are Christmas rugs that are still out, but Norrin loves the pictures of snowmen and Christmas trees so much...I just can't bring myself to put them least, not until I can find suitable replacements...maybe something with cows on them :).
In Need of a Norrin Fix
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Presidents' Day- My New Favorite Holiday
So, my Valentine's Day sucked...and not just because I had to work. Norrin woke up about 30 minutes before I left for work and normally, I can nurse him back to sleep before I leave...but not this time. I had to hand him off to Todd and he cried and cried while I got dressed and sprinted for the door. My nerves were shot before I even got in the car...and I knew he would be fine once I was gone. At work, every single patient had something seriously wrong...missing consent forms, coming to the O.R. with jewelry (a huge no-no), seriously ill. It was a disaster of a day and it just went on and on for the twelve straight hours that I was there. I was on the brink of crying the entire time. It wasn't pretty. Then, I call Todd to let him know that I am finally coming home only to find out that something was wrong with our electricity. I came home to a cold house (the starter for our heater was one of the electric thingys that was out) and a refrigerator in the middle of the kitchen with an extension cord stretching to the nearest working outlet (thank goodness some of the house was still functioning...I had just gone grocery shopping). Todd was in a horrible mood and rightfully so and I was just so tired from my horrific day that I didn't know what to do. Norrin took one look at both of us and started going back and forth giving us kisses. He really is understand that Mommy and Daddy are having a rough night and to lift our mood with something as cute and loving as sloppy baby kisses. We ordered pizza and snuggled close together in bed. Sunday wasn't as bad...I had Monday to look forward to and the electrical issues were being fixed. Todd was off on Monday and we could be together as a family. We went to the My Gym together. Norrin hit another little boy in the head with a plastic ball from the ball pit. The kid cried and his grandmother acted like my kid had ripped her grandchild's arm off. Todd seriously thought this kid had a broken arm. We didn't know what to do. The overreaction really threw us for a loop. As we watched this child interact, we noticed that he was just an easily upset child and while our kid shouldn't have hit him with a ball, this kid was going to cry at everything. Afterwards, Todd let me know that Rita was coming over to watch Norrin and we were going to Bonefish Grille (yay!). We had gift cards and the meal was fantastic. It was really strange not watching everything on the table for grabby lil hands and Todd said it was weird to savor a meal. I told him I couldn't believe I was eating my food while it was still hot. After we got back and Todd had taken Rita home, he had another surprise for me. We were going to a bed and breakfast in Bensalem called the Salem Creekside Inn. Its ten minutes from our house, but they made it such a beautiful retreat that you would think you drove ten hours to get there. I threw some stuff into an overnight bag and we put Norrin in his car seat and we were there in no time. Todd laughed because the second I saw the Inn, I just blurted out that I loved it. Its amazing what they did with the landscaping. Even at night, its so welcoming. They gave us the third floor suite with a separate kitchenette and a jacuzzi tub in the bathroom. The first thing we did was fill the tub and pile in. Norrin found the button for the jets and scared the hell out of me by turning it on...then he kept hitting the button (high, medium, low, off...high, medium, low, off). Who needs tub toys when you have a jacuzzi tub to play with? We read some stories and then both Norrin and Todd were out for the count. I, however, was having tooth pain from the stupid tooth they filled last Wednesday. At 12:30 am, Todd asked me if I was okay and I told him my tooth hurt and I didn't think to pack any Tylenol. My amazing and wonderful husband got out of bed, got dressed and drove to Wawa for 12:30 in the morning! Once I had the Tylenol, I was able to sleep. This morning, we went downstairs and Bill, the innkeeper made us a fabulous breakfast...blackberries and strawberries with vanilla yogurt, coffee, orange juice, cheese omelets, seasoned potatoes, whole grain toast with butter and was heaven. Norrin wouldn't settle down past the berry course, so Todd and I took turns eating. They have a hot tub and a koi fish pond in the adjoining room. Norrin loved feeding the fish. We also took him around the grounds to explore. It was freezing outside, but nothing can stop our child from exploring nature...he just loves it. The Inn is right by the river and even though its also right by route 13, they've made it feel like its very secluded. It was a perfect day. When we got home, Todd had to go back to work and Norrin and I settled in for a two hour nap. Normally it takes me until Wednesday to feel this calm. It was such a nice adventure.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Back To Work...Le Sigh
So, we had a great week! I was concerned with how busy it was going to be, but it all worked out just fine. Monday was My Gym. I had Norrin say goodbye to all the toys, all the other kids, to the teachers. I had them stamp his hands while I got his coat on him. I had Norrin show me the monkey on his hand as we walked to the car and got into the car seat. Lots of extra work...but no tantrums. He slept two and a half hours at nap time and spent the rest of his evening being happy and energetic :). On Tuesday, we visited Daddy at work while the cleaners were cleaning up our disgraceful mess of a house. We also went to the craft store so Mommy could get some more knitting needles...I think I have about three projects going at once right now...Norrin did great with all these outings. On Wednesday, I had my final dentist appointment. I got my permanent crown and a filling for the only cavity I had. Norrin played with Grandmom and Grandpop Milligan outside in the 66 degree weather, took a three hour nap and still got to bed before ten. On Thursday, we had Moms Group. Norrin didn't care for the hour drive to Kate's...he fussed for the last twenty minutes, but when we got there, he ignored me almost completely and played with the other kids. After an hour and a half of running around, I put him in the car and he was out in less than five minutes. He woke up a little rough because he was still in his car seat and didn't realize where he was, but all in all he woke up a happy boy. We only had a few tantrums and all of them coincided with Norrin being sleepy...either around nap time or bedtime. He's been eating very well all week and he loves to be active, so the break in the cold weather afforded us some outdoor time. All in all, a very nice week :). Below are some pics Todd took over last weekend. When I'm not working, Norrin wanders out of the bedroom, climbs into my lap and nurses himself awake. When he's with Daddy, he has to work on it himself. Todd says he's funny because he stands with his back against a wall and rubs his eyes until he wakes up. I just love his hair in the morning.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Friday Update
So, I'm back to work this morning. For the entire week, Todd and I have put in the extra effort to create a routine bedtime for Norrin. Norrin gets dinner around 5-6 pm, we take him up for a bath around 7:30-8, we brush his teeth, we read him stories and then its lights out around 8:30-9:30. The latest he's fallen asleep has been close to ten and that was the night I was out with Megan. And as for the tantrums...we really only had one at dinner time and I think it was because he was tired more than anything else. So, despite my free-spirited, hippy dippy ways, this whole routine/schedule thingy has been working out for everyone. Norrin has been more pleasant, Todd has been going to sleep the same time as Norrin (so he actually seems quite rested these days) and I've been depriving myself of some sleep to stay up and blog or knit :) (which gives me some "me time" without cutting into family togetherness time). We also started Norrin on some solo bathing time and he loves it. He has the whole tub for himself and a ton of toys. I put in a new foamy, nonslip mat which he seems to like (I guess it does make that hard tub more comfortable) and he would play in there for at least an hour if we let him. I worry about bathing him too much in this cold, dry weather, but he really loves his tub time and I can always try to get a little moisturizer on him...although I kind of feel like I'm wrestling with a greased pig :). Now will come the true test...can we keep this routine going through the weekend? We'll see if his bedtime stays the same with Mommy coming home so late...keep your fingers crossed for us.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Mommy's Day Out
Tub Time!
Out Cold!
Out Cold!
Yesterday, I had a dentist appointment, then I met my friend, Megan for a couple of spa treatments and dinner. I took Norrin over to his grandparents' around 10 am, after he took a walk in the snow. He made it about a block and then he wanted to be carried back. He fell asleep around 1 pm and my appointment wasn't until 2, but Rita kicked me out anyway...she didn't want him waking up while I was there. I went to Babies R Us and got Norrin some more books and a couple of cute outfits (on clearance!). At my dentist appointment, I had my first cleaning in 5 years. By some act of God, I only have one cavity. I'm getting that filled next week at the same time I getting my permanent crown for the root canal. I also have minimal bone loss in my teeth...another miracle. I do have some seriously sensitive gums though...I flinched when she put the suckey thingy in my mouth. All in all it was the best, most gentle cleaning of my life. Then, I had some time to do a little Target shopping...a new toilet paper holder, some snack foods, a new pair of jeans (also on clearance!) before I headed over to Spatini to meet my girlfriend. I got a deep tissue massage that was heaven and a facial- also heaven :). It was relaxing and wonderful. Then, we went to dinner...we wanted to go to Toscana, but they were closed (something was wrong with the roof) so we went to Carrabba's. I had a glass of wine and caught up with Megan (its been forever since we went out...without Norrin distracting us). I got home by ten and both my boys were asleep. It was such a nice day and I didn't realize how much I needed some "me time". I owe Rita and Todd big time :)! This morning, my lil guy was happy to see Mommy and he attached himself to me like glue. I decided I would try to take a shower while he played with some toys in his nursery, but Norrin wanted to join me in the shower instead. I got a new foamy, sticky mat so he wouldn't slip and he played at one end of the shower while I washed up at the other end. He stayed in the tub, which I filled with a little bit of water, and I finished getting ready. After that, he nursed himself to 10:30 am. I have to say I'm a little shocked by that. I'm not expecting a long nap though. Maybe he's just rationing out the sleep today.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Tumultuous Tuesday
Norrin after his his NY Giants cute...if only he'd hold his legs still long enough for me to get them on!
After his bath...I'm trying to see his expression in our hall mirror...he was pretty mad!
After his bath...I'm trying to see his expression in our hall mirror...he was pretty mad!
Today I woke up to a house that was 59 degrees...yes, our heater was not working...again. So, Norrin and I layered up and escaped to Grandmom and Grandpop Milligan's house. I wish I could say that today was tantrum free...but it wasn't. Rita and Joseph got to witness the absolute insanity that has become my life. Norrin even saved up enough energy for a stellar performance while his Uncle Jim was over. Rita says he doesn't behave that way with her or Joseph...just me and Todd. I'm glad he doesn't act that way with them. I wouldn't wish that behavior on anyone. Our heater was fixed before we came home. Norrin took a nap, a good nap (an hour and a half). We had a nice dinner...that ended in a tantrum because I wouldn't let him squish his hands in a bowl of corn (it was the corn for the whole table, not his individual corn). That one was bad because he ran into one of Rita's metal dining room chairs. He now has a bruise on his of the many. But that was the last one. Norrin didn't fight Todd when he went to put him in his car seat. We ran a bath for him when we got home and at first he didn't seem interested in getting in the tub, but after I threw in so many toys you could barely see the bottom of the tub, he jumped right in and stayed there for quite some time. He screamed when I put the hood of his towel up...he doesn't like anything covering his head. Todd took a picture of this which only made Norrin madder, but he didn't throw a tantrum (despite how the picture looks). Then, I got him in his NY Giants jammies (Mommy's choice, not Daddy's). We read Goodnight Moon and turned out the lights. Norrin was extremely restless and it took him a good twenty minutes to settle down and fall asleep. I chalked it up to the amount of sugar he got at the grandparents' house. I normally cut his juice supply off around 6 pm. Norrin got an unlimited supply of juice (baby juice, but even that has some sugar in it) and Rita shared a fruit cup with him around 7 pm and Norrin loves to drink the syrup out of the cup (pure sugary sweetness...makes my teeth hurt just thinking about it). Oh, well. What are grandparents for if not to spoil their grandchildren? He still managed to fall asleep before ten. The real test will be tomorrow. I have a dentist appointment (its taking many a visit to fix the damage I've done over the past five years), then I'm going to the spa and out to dinner with my dear friend, Megan. So, the boys will be on their own. I know Todd can handle it though. Oh and I should probably amend the last post...Todd entertained Norrin for half an hour last only felt like ten minutes.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Just Another Manic Monday
Why would anyone this precious fight sleep so hard? And don't you just love his hair :)?
I don't know what happened to my lil angel. Norrin has been having all out tantrums lately. I mean turning blue, high pitched screaming, puddle of tears and snot, head banging tantrums. I have tried picking him up and holding him...he arches his back and acts like I'm trying to rip out his heart. I try putting him someplace safe and soft (for the head banging) and leaving the room, but it just doesn't stop. He's so determined to have a full out breakdown and I'm at the end of my rope with it. Todd got home from work and Norrin didn't want me sitting down for dinner and he didn't want me to play with fact, I don't know what he wanted...he lost it to the point where Todd told me to just go that's what I did. And all I can think is what the hell?!? I'm running out of parenting books to read, so I'm really, really hoping this is just a phase and that there will be no permanent damage. Okay, and with that said...on to today's adventures. Today was My Gym. The morning started off with Norrin being up at 7 am, so I made cheesy eggs for breakfast. Todd made the big mistake of helping himself to some M&M's in front of Norrin and that started tantrum number one. Norrin did not appreciate his father "sneaking" M&M's (not sneaky enough, in my opinion). So, Todd yelled sorry as he ran out the door on his way to work...uh huh. Norrin had a blast at My Gym, as usual, but there were at least three tantrums. One when a little girl wouldn't give him the one ball he wanted in the entire ball pit, one when it was time to clean up and one last all out tantrum when it was time to go. He passed out in the car and I thought this was going to be the longest nap should see how much energy he puts into his tantrums...its exhausting. Anyway, he slept for half an hour :(. Since he was up and since it was 56 degrees outside, we played in the yard for about an hour, then took a walk around the block. Norrin saw two dogs and I'm pretty sure it was the highlight of his day. I fed him dinner around 6 pm, then Todd came home around 7 pm. There were probably at least four tantrums for reasons I'm not really able to pinpoint. Mommy wasn't in the correct room, Mommy wasn't playing with the right toy, Mommy wasn't sitting in the right seat...I don't know. So, Mommy was pretty happy to see Daddy...but the only "break" I got was about a total of ten minutes. Todd brought Norrin up for his bath and Norrin pitched enough of a fit in the tub that, even after a few minutes of calmly playing with him, he would not relax and since that's the whole point of a bath, we took him out. After that we spent about an hour getting him dressed, reading him stories, letting him say goodnight to everything we could see out our bedroom window, brushing his teeth...and we snuggled into bed and for at least ten more minutes that damn child fought sleep. He tried "reading" his books in the dark, he climbed back and forth between me and Todd, he tossed, he turned...and then, he just stopped. It was so sudden I couldn't believe he was asleep...and he was asleep before 9 pm! I still feel like I should tiptoe in there and double check. The sad part is Todd and I are trying to get a routine going. We've never had a routine with Norrin. If we felt like bathing him we would, whenever he wants to go to sleep is fine by us, one nap or two, whatever. But we're starting to feel like we're the only parents who let their kid fly by the seat of his pants and he does get a little too overtired at night...which encourages more tantrums. So, we thought let's try a relaxing routine and see how it all works out. Well, if tonight is any indicator, our "routine" is just a warning sign for Norrin and its going to be like giving him a heads up about when he should fight his hardest...but I'm willing to give this whole thing a try. And if it doesn't work, I'm writing to Dr. Sears.
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