Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May Photo Project

5 May #photoaday Challenges

Already a little behind on this idea, but I saw this list on Pintrest and I thought it would be a good way to create a little consistency in my posts.  The pictures will mostly be courtesy of my hubby, but I will try not to rely too heavily on him. Now...let's see if I make it a week into this :).

First up, Peace. 
This is a photo I took of Ani Rose and Todd taking a nap on Easter.  Its not the nap that reminds me of peace...its the man taking the nap.  He is my peace.  He's a truly wonderful father to our children.  He knows how to get down on the floor and really play with them.  He has great imagination and makes up some of the best stories Norrin has ever heard.  He can look at me and know what I need at that exact moment, be it some quiet knitting time or some Oreo cookies.  He brings great peace to our world.  There's no worries when he's around.  The proof of the peace he brings is in the birth of both our babies.  They both cried...until they were handed to Todd.  They knew they were safe and loved and felt instantly at peace in his arms. 

And for Skyline- the city of Philadelphia.  My home since 1996.  Yes, I do say I'm an upstate New Yorker still, but its mostly my way of explaining my accent.  My darling son loves to correct my accent.  He's constantly telling me to say things a certain way, like water (folks from Philadelphia know exactly how this is "supposed" to sound).  Then, when I get it wrong, I try to explain to him that I wasn't born in Philadelphia.  And his response?  "You live in Philadelphia now, Mommy, so say it right".  Alrighty then.  He also calls me a New Yorkian.  Uh, huh.

So, that's the start of the May Photo Project.  We'll see how it goes.

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